Well, things have been going quite swimmingly with my new job so far in that I've really been enjoying the work, the people, the big furry kitty cats outside my office door (who they tell me I can't pet), the fact that it's five minutes from my house (well, plus the 25 extra minutes the daycare drop off and/or pick up takes)... Still - it's always nice to get a "sign" that lets you know in no uncertain terms that you have made a good move. Well, today I got that "sign." It came in the form of a cupcake. But not just any cupcake...this was a special cupcake. Let me explain.
You see, once a month we have an all-staff meeting where birthdays of the month are always celebrated...with treats. The one for January was this afternoon. I had heard rumblings of sugar around the office, but of course I'm thinking the usual cake thing or something like that. Well, I walk into the conference room to this cute little tray of fancy-looking cupcakes. My first thought: "Cupcakes...yummy!" My second thought: "Where are those from?" Because I didn't recognize them and there are only two fancy cupcake shops in town and let's just say we are very familiar with both of them. Then, they get passed around and I hear something about Cold Stone. Cold Stone? Huh? What? I'm sorry, but are these....ICE CREAM CUPCAKES??? No way! Well, yes way!!
After much debate, I chose the one with an Oreo neatly placed on top, but here were all the choices. And please, don't even ask if it was good. Of course it was good - it was a COLD STONE CUPCAKE! This, I had never heard of. And it was super cute, which of course did not stop me from eating it. Even the cupcake "wrapper" was edible - a dark chocolate hard shell. So clever.
So, in the end, I ask, could there have been a better sign that I'm in the right place than a group who brings in ice cream cupcakes for birthday celebrations? I think not.
Until I write again.
It's like a sign from above! So glad it's going well for you!