As you might guess, Bummer Moment #1 came as I was wrapping up my last post and it was announced that Portland Public Schools (PPS) would be closed on Monday. Now, you're probably wondering - well how much snow did you actually get? And the answer is - not a ton. I mean, in reality we only ended up with a few inches on the gro

und Sunday (though it was a bit hard to tell because there was a strong wind blowing most of the day). But tha
nks to the frigid temperatures that also arrived on Sunday and decided to stick around for a while, the ice factor kicked in. Now, this is particularly a problem for those of us who live on the very hilly west side of the city (versus the relatively flat neighborhoods that are east of the Willamette River). Thus, the PPS cancellation on Monday which, by default, meant that Ian's preschool was also closed. Okay, fine, I thought. I had a few things on the schedule for my valuable kid-free hours but no biggie - I'd just switch them to Wednesday.
On Monday, I took Jeff to work so I could use his car. It was definitely slippery but overall Ian and I did a couple things out and about with no problem (though not for long since it was colder than a Popsicle outside). Despite the generally fair conditions, by sometime on Monday, PPS, as well as most other districts in the region, had already announced that schools would again be closed on Tuesday. Ugh - really? Now, Ian doesn't go to school on Tuesdays, but he does go to Sports Class. And yesterday was scheduled to be our last one so it was kind of a special day. So, first thing yesterday morning I called the Rec Center and experienced Bummer Moment #2: our last Sports Class was indeed, cancelled. So long Sports Class. We didn't even have an opportunity to say a proper goodbye. Sniff, sniff.
With Sports Class off the roster, I needed to find something else to do with Ian. So I put together a shopping list and figured we'd head out to the store early to pick up some things and spend the morning baking Christmas cookies. I knew that would be a hit since he's really into the cooking thing these days. Jeff was still home getting ready to leave when Ian and I got all bundled up and piled into my car. I had no sooner backed out of the driveway and into the street when Bummer Moment #3 hit. I turned to go forward and try as I might, couldn't get any traction to get going forward up the slight incline outside our house. (We have been needing to change out the bald tires on my car but it hasn't been a priority due to $$.) I tried a few times without luck before pulling back into the garage. We piled out of the car and went back inside to see about sharing the MDX with Jeff again, but no such luck as he needed to use his car at work that day. So off he went while I sat on the couch unbundling an unhappy toddler who was whining, "I need to go in the car, mommy. I need to go in the car right nowwww..." I felt like saying, "Yeah, well me too so just zip it!!!!" But I didn't.
By midday Wednesday the weather guys and gals were all abuzz again about Bummer Moment #4: the fact that Phase 2 of "ARCTIC BLAST 2008" was forecast to arrive on early Wednesday morning. This was to be another dose of snow mixed with some freezing rain, then rain then back to snow overnight Wed and into Thursday - all matched with continuing freezing temperatures, of course. By early Tuesday evening PPS had once again cancelled school for Wednesday morning. Another ugh. Suddenly I found myself relating to how the prisoners at San Quentin must feel. On a bright note though, about 2 p.m. yesterday Ian and I made another attempt to exit the house and were successful this time. So, we ventured to two different grocery stores just because we could. (Though by 4ish it was clear my car was turning back into a pumpkin as we did some slipping and sliding on the road back home. )
So, here we sit. We made cookies this morning, which Ian loved, and did a couple of other activities before

I resorted to parking him in front of Sesame Street after lunch. We've had snow showers off and on all day, but again, nothing monumental. Just enough to continue to make travel on hilly side roads difficult. (Jeff made it to work this morning but they closed the Nike campus at 1pm so he's been working at home this afternoon.) We are expected to get a couple more inches overnight tonight. I figure this should be just enough to cancel school again tomorrow, which brings me to Bummer Moment #5. Ian was supposed to debut in his first-ever holiday program at school tomorrow night. As you might guess, we had already tuned up the video camera in anticipation. But at this point, I don't have high hopes of it actually happening - and with not much time left before Christmas, I don't know that it will be rescheduled unless they are able to do it for maybe Monday of next week.
And speaking of Monday, this brings me to Anticipated Bummer Moment #6 and #7, which I predict will occur this coming weekend. First of all, Ian is also scheduled to attend a "Parents Day Out" this Saturday where his school will provide a few hours of childcare during the day on Saturday so parents can go out and wrap up last minute shopping or just take a few hours to themselves. I believe we were first on the sign-up list for that event. Anyway, if school ends up closed all week, I won't hold my breath on that event still happening either. Oh well.
And then there's Sunday. I happen to be about two weeks overdue for a haircut right now. I mean, it's not pretty (literally). But I do finally have an eagerly-anticipated appointment with my new lady scheduled
for this Sunday afternoon. You know, the very same day that they are now forecasting that Phase 3 of "ARCTIC BLAST 2008" will arrive (calling for more snow and freezing temps Sunday into Monday). Awesome.
It's not all bad, though. We do have our cookies and on the way home today Jeff made a stop for provisions: the makings for hot buttered rum and hot cocoa with peppermint schnapps. I'm also very thankful that we aren't both struggling to work and deal with closed schools all week as many families are right now. I feel for them.
For now, I'll leave you below with a shot that Jeff took the other night of our happy little snowmen outside our front window as well as
a humorous little video that I saw on CNN today which pretty much says it all around here right now.

Until I write again.