At the beginning of December they started advertising the holiday program at school but Ian never said a word about it to us. I wondered - Would his class be in it? Were they even practicing something? Because if so, he wasn't sharing. And we didn't ask. So of course we were very curious about this "holiday program" and were very bummed when it didn't take place on its originally scheduled date before Christmas. Luckily, once classes finally got back in session this week the school director quickly pulled together the new date of tonight.

The festivities got started at school around 5:30 p.m. Instead of picking up Ian from class, we were directed to go straight to the school gym and take a seat there. The back wall was all decorated with adorable handmade decorations, with a paper garland Christmas tree as the centerpiece above a wooden stage. Already I wondered if I might cry at the sight of my son in his first school performance. Quickly setting thoughts of potential waterworks aside, we started chatting with the parents of one of Ian's classmates when we heard a commotion at the doors of the gym. The kids were ready to begin. Director Tricia gave a short intro and the music started to play. Only, we're not talking Frosty the Snowman - it was Stayin' Alive. As in, from Saturday Night Fever. Yeah! This is going to be even better than I thought! But it turns out that was just the toddlers' walk-down-the-aisle music. Once all gathered on stage - a feat in and of itself - they started singing Wheels on the Bus. Well, actually, the teachers started singing. The toddlers just sort of stood there. One started crawling down off the stage and running toward his Mom. And one started wailing. By the end, things weren't going well overall. Which just made it hilarious.
Next up was the 2 1/2 year old class - starring Ian Burpo (okay, maybe he was just the star in our minds). The walk-down-the-aisle music for his class was Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas. Which, I pretty much have to turn the channel every time that song comes on the radio because it's one of my least favorite holiday jingles ever - but that'
s okay. Maybe he'll get Jive Talkin' next year or something. Jeff and I had positioned ourselves (along with the other parents in Ian's class) at the front with video camera and digital camera in hands. Quite a juggling act indeed (as can be seen in the video quality).

Once they were all situated, they started their little song and dance. Now, let me pause here and say that one of the reasons that we were really intrigued by this whole thing is that we were curious how Ian would perform on a stage given that - as I've talked about - he's not the most extroverted of kids in group settings. So a whole auditorium of camcorders and flashes going off? Hmmm.... I half expected to see him do a repeat of the stand-and-stare toddler act. But no sirree. He seemed pretty into it from the moment they got started with some rendition of Row Row Row Your Boat that I must admit I had never heard before. But there were bells and jumping and twirling and it was all good. And if one song wasn't enough for these adorable little people, they concluded with We Wish You a Merry Christmas - including a big Happy Holidays! shout out to the crowd as their big finish. At which point the whole audience jumped out of their seats in roaring applause. The crowd was going wild! Or, maybe that was just the parents of the 2 1/2 year old class. I'm not sure.
Anyway, it was all pretty cute and now my holidays are officially complete. A video version will for sale on very shortly. PS - We're pretty sure Ian had fun despite how things might look in this photo.

Until I write again.