But rather than spend this post-Thanksgiving post talking turkeys, let's talk sport. As in, the sport of ice skating. First, some of you may recall that I've taken a turn or two around an ice rink in my time. (Back in the days when not only could I drive to my family

I'm not sure which, but anyhooskie, when my Mom called us up just as we were about to leave town last Wednesday and said, "Bring your skates - our ice rink is open!", you-know-who got very excited. I mean, he was upstairs grabbing his hockey skates (which I noticed are Nikes, by the way - very appropriate) and flinging them in the car faster than Sarah Palin can say Hockey mom's are pitbulls with lipstick! I, however, was a little more skeptical. Granted, I had never been to Klamath Falls before or the Running Y, but I'm thinking the "ice rink" there probably makes the Lloyd Center rink look like an Olympic venue. Plus, I wasn't sure that I was up for all the potential drama that might come with putting Ian on the ice for the first time while traveling for Thanksgiving. Still, I played along and put my skates in the car, too.
Now, fast forward about 6.5 hours (driving time plus one bakery stop to pick up the T-Day goodies plus one Golden Arches lunch stop). Just as night had fallen, we were pulling into the main entrance to the community when what to my wondering eyes should appear (yes, I'm getting into holiday mode) but one of the most grandiose outdoor skating rinks I've ever seen, sparkling in the night with holiday lights. Clearly I had underestimated the potential of the Klamath Falls skating community. Suddenly, I was intrigued. Maybe this whole skating thing wasn't such a bad idea after all. So, Thanksgiving morning on our way back from our big trip into town to check out the local Fred Meyer (which, by the way is about the best thing that Klamath Falls appears to have going for it in terms of shopping venues), we stopped at the rink to check out the schedule. There were a few people hanging around waiting for the rink to open. And from the looks of things, they were going to be waiting a while. Hmmm...okay so perhaps Ian's big skating debut would have to wait until Friday.
And Friday, it was. We showed up around 1:30 p.m. for the big event. The rink was already packed with locals who clearly were not out taking advantage of Black Friday specials at Freddie's. And not only were they not into bargain shopping, but they weren't the most graceful bunch either. So, at first I was little anxious about putting our son out there amidst a scene that more resembled Bang Up Derby (I just made that up, by the way) than Stars on Ice with Kristi Yamaguchi and Friends. But we decided to go for it anyway. And I must say, I was also nervous that this little adventure was going to be a big flop. Meaning, I thought for sure he'd be in tears before we could even get his skates fully laced up. But no sirree, Ian. Hands were flapping with excitement and exclamations of, "We go icing! We go icing!" He clearly couldn't wait to hit the ice. And if his first experience walking in ice skates on the floor was any indication of his skill level, he's bound for stardom because much to our surprise, he barely missed a beat when he stood up for the first time. No tipping over or anything funny like that.

And so our first ice skating adventure came to an end with a trip to the outdoor fire pit with Grandma Charla to warm hands and feet. A few days later, he's still asking, "We going icing today?" so I think it's safe to say that we'll be visiting the Lloyd Center soon - which I'm super excited about. I guess the only question now is - do we have the next Wayne Gretzky or Scott Hamilton on our hands? Only time will tell...

Until I write again.
I love the pics of you guys ice skating. There is something about the light that is incredibly warm in spite of the fact that you're, well, ICE skating. These are great pictures! - Zach