Today for fun the three of us ventured out and went to pick up our friend Zach down the hill from his house (getting up the hill to his house is pretty much impossible right now) and then we all went to Washington Square Mall (with about half of the stores open) to watch Ian run around the play area there and eat lunch at The Cheesecake Factory. I won't count on having that type of family experience again any time soon.
The roads are still somewhat passable, but are significantly worse from when we were out and about even yesterday. (In case I forgot to mention it earlier - Portland owns very few snow plows so counting on plows to clear the streets doesn't really happen here.) We came across many a stuck or abandoned vehicle. I'm still awaiting delivery of an overnight FedEx package from California that was supposed to arrive here on Friday and as of about 30 minutes ago is showing that it's still sitting on a truck in Lake Oswego (just south of here) - as it h
as been since Friday morning. So, at this point I am not counting on anything reaching us (that isn't already here) by package delivery before Christmas. More sighs.

We did get together with our two neighbors for dinner last night to watch some football and let the kids run around like crazy people. We are also going to get together again for Christmas eve dinner, so that will be nice.
So, the good times continue here in Beaverton. Oh well, at least it's pretty! Today's pictures are ones that I took from our outing today and out our front and back porch just a while ago.

Until I write again.
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