Not to get back on the whole weather thing again, but to get back on the whole weather thing again - since we moved to Portland I have been extremely coat challenged. For some reason I just can't seem to find the right fit (pun intended). I've tried heavy coats. I've tried light coats. I've tried rain coats. I've tried quilted coats. I've tried vests. I've tried a coat of armor. But still I've been searching, searching, searching for the right answer. And the truth is that, of course, there is no silver bullet when it comes to the world of coats. Because in reality, one needs a rainbow of coats, if you will, to truly be outfitted properly: A casual heavy raincoat for the winter. A casual light raincoat for the spring. A nicer heavy raincoat for the winter. A nicer light raincoat for the spring. A vest (because you aren't officially a Northwesterner if you don't own a vest). A ski jacket (you know, for when I start hitting those black diamonds on Mt. Hood). I could go on, but you get the picture.
So my latest quest - being that my life is full time casual right now - is a casual type coat that's not too light nor too heavy, but is just right. (Goldilocks, if you're out there, I know you're with me on this one.) And it is this coat that I requested for my birthday this year - though at the time I had not exactly located it yet. But since my apparent idea of fun on my birthday is to torture my husband, I decided that part of how I wanted to spend the day was out shopping with him for this yet-to-be-located coat. As we got closer and closer to last weekend, the stage was set: Jeff had enlisted our babysitter for late Sunday morning at which point we'd go out shopping downtown and in the Pearl District, and then we'd wrap up the afternoon with high tea at the Heathman Hotel. It was set to be a perfect day, until we hit a major snag.
You see, I just happened to find myself in Nordstrom one day and there it was, right there in women's activewear. Staring me right in the face. A North Face Redpoint coat. I immediately tried it on. Not too heavy. Not too light. It was just right. And I know that because the nice saleslady even told me so. She said that she had never seen anyone look so good in a coat before and it clearly was made just for me. So helpful those salespeople are! But unfortunately, along with it came the "because I have the North Face logo plastered all over me, I can way overcharge you" price tag to go with it, which totaled 150 smackers. Hmmm. I was not deterred.
I immediately left the store and skipped (okay, I drove) home and logged onto eBay. And there it was. Exactly just one New With Tags Small North Face Redpoint coat in Brownie Brown - just the color I was eyeing. Starting bid: $49.99. But the auction had just started at that point and still had a few days to go - ending at 10:45 a.m. Pacific on - yep, you got it - Sunday, November 16. Could this be a sign? I wasn't sure, but I watched over that auction like a mama polar bear watches over her cubs in the coming days. Also, here is a good time for me to mention that while I've talked big about purchasing on eBay before, I have never actually placed a bid on one item in my life. I'm always afraid that something will go wrong so I chicken out. Okay, moving along now.
So that morning started off like any other Sunday morning. Except, well not really because Ian decided that instead of waking up around 7 a.m. that he would wake up at 6:15 a.m. This was made even less great by the fact that Jeff and I had been out at a dinner party the evening before and had gotten home late. But hey! It was now officially my birthday, which means that in our house there's an unwritten rule that on your birthday you are granted a free pass to relinquish all your parental d
uties for exactly one day. So Jeff got up, got Ian ready and fed him breakfast #1 while I showered. When I came downstairs I was greeted with a very enthusiastic, "Happy Birthday Mommy!" which apparently had been practiced multiple times that morning and I have to say, he performed perfectly on cue. Then we departed to try out a new breakfast place (well, new to us) called Biscuits Cafe which was quite enjoyable and yummy. Once we got home, we had a short amount of time until the babysitter arrived so Jeff and Ian went out on a quick "errand". (Read: They picked up the surprise cake from Beaverton Bakery.)

Meanwhile, the clock was ticking. By now it was 10:40 a.m. In the last day or so the coat had jumped from $49.99 to $70 even. With $10 shipping. Still well under the $150 it would cost in the store. As soon as I logged on, I knew things were happening. Suddenly, with five minutes to go, there were three new bids and it was up to $75. I knew I had to act fast! Tick, tick, tick. So I logged into my account and placed a bid. Submit. Whamo! A button appears that says, "I'm sorry but you've already been outbid. Do you want to try again?" Ummm, yes!!! Quick, another bid. Submit. Whamo! Yet again: "I'm sorry but you've already been outbid." What???? All I'm thinking at this point is, "Who are you and where do you live because if you take my coat, I'm coming after you so you'd better watch your back!" This happened like three times and then....nothing. Except a screen saying, "The current bid is $81. You are the highest bidder." Less than a minute to go. Hit refresh! Hit refresh! Hit refresh! Then - it happened. "Mburpo - you have won this item! Please arrange to pay the seller ASAP." Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But wait! There's more. Completely coincidentally, right after I started tracking the auction, those nice people at eBay sent me a 10% off coupon. So after about another half hour of trying to figure out how to apply the coupon, my mission was officially accomplished. Grand total paid for the jacket and shipping: $81.90! I don't think I would have felt as triumphant as I did in that particular moment if I had just won the lottery. Well okay, maybe if it was more than a million dollars I might have been pretty happy, but you know what I mean.
By now Jeff, Ian and babysitter Linda were all there ready and waiting. And Jeff said, "So, um, does that mean we don't need to go shopping after all?" I thought about it for a second and then came to my senses. Silly. We all know the answer to that! So off we ventured for a nice afternoon of strolling and tea. (No more purchases though, for the record.) We topped the day off with a yummy steak/baked potato/wine dinner at home and of course, some cake - which Ian was very excited about and then took one bite and said, "I don't like it!" What a shock. He'll come around some day.
I'm still awaiting the arrival of my new North Face Redpoint coat but I may just have to post a picture when it gets here.

PS - Don't ask me why the cake picture is sideways. I couldn't get it to download right so I opted to go with this instead. If you tip your head sharply to the right, it will look like it's supposed to.
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