Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Somewhat Daily Quote

Today I've decided that I'm adding a new feature to the blog. It shall be called:

The Somewhat Daily Quote

What is this intriguing new feature, you ask? Well, as the name suggests, it's a somewhat daily quote. Or, said another way - it's a quote of the day that may not actually occur every day. That's because I generally like to underpromise and overdeliver. But, warning that I may not even do that.

Now, why this intriguing new feature, you ask? Well, there are a couple of reasons. The idea first came to me recently when Jeff and I were talking about how amazed we are at Ian's daily language progressions. As I commented about in a recent post, he is constantly saying new things and some of it happens to be pretty darn amusing. Dare I say - quote-worthy for a blog? Or, at least hopefully it is to those (read: family) who may actually enjoy hearing that Ian said "I have to go potty" for the first time today versus the rest of the world who might just roll their eyes. (Which he didn't actually say today, by the way. I just made that up. It doesn't hurt to dream, though.)

And then the second reason I've decided to implement this intriguing new feature is that I figure it will make excellent filler. So, for all those days when I can't think of one damn thing to write about, I just don't feel like writing or I don't have the time - I can just make up some quote, throw it up on the site and call it a day. And, since today happens to fall into one of the above categories (I won't say which one), it is this particular day that I have chosen as Official Launch Day for The Somewhat Daily Quote.

For the record though, I was just kidding about the making it up thing. I would never do that. Well, maybe I should never say never. But I promise that I will make every effort for it to be a real and close to actual quote that was heard on that day or a day very close to that day. Oh, but I should also mention that it doesn't necessarily have to be an Ian quote. Like, if I'm driving down the street with the window down and some lady shouts out something interesting at me, I might select that as The Somewhat Daily Quote. Also, there will always be attributions. And let's see if there are any other rules I want to make up right here on the spot....Nope, I think that's good for now. I'll post any rule adjustments if I think of any at a later time.

Oh, and one last thing: If I were operating a really fancy blog here, then I would have The Somewhat Daily Quote as a separate tab from the main somewhat daily content. But since I clearly am not operating a really fancy blog, just know that it will all be mushed together in this same main area for you to differentiate on your own.

And now, without further ado, I proudly first official entry for The Somewhat Daily Quote.

The Somewhat Daily Quote for today:

Mommy, I like the raining. I like the treeeess and the carrrsss and the rainnnn and the trucks and the trains and the bridges and the raining.

Followed directly (in a singing voice) by...

Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthdayyyy!!! Ba-rack Oooo-bamaaaa! Happy Birthday to youuuu.

(Repeat song again.)

-Ian Burpo, Age 2, while sitting in the car at a stoplight, headed to the library in the middle of a downpour.

Until I write again.

1 comment:

  1. That is perhaps the funniest thing I have read all day long. My favorite part is how he switched mid-song from Happy Birthday to "Barack Obaaammmmaaa!" -- back to Happy Birthday. He is too cute! Brianne
