Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Blogging: a new way to communicate with your spouse

So, this morning I learned that the Cyclo...whatever drug that I took twice over the past weekend was not the generic Sudafed. It was a muscle relaxer. Which explains a lot. How did I find this out? Because Jeff decided to read the blog this morning. I was finishing up my packing for Thanksgiving a short while ago and he came in and we had something like the following conversation:

Jeff: So, I just caught up on your blog (with a semi-serious look on his face).

Me: Oh yeah? (Thinking: Oh geez, I must have said something wrong - I knew this whole online thing was a bad idea!)

Jeff: Yeah. So about the Sudafed thing...did you happen to look up the drug that you were taking to make sure it was Sudafed?

Me: No.

Jeff: Well, I did and it was a muscle relaxer - probably the one that they gave you for your back issues earlier this year.

Me: Oh, well how was I supposed to know? You were right there when I was trying to figure out which bottle was the Sudafed. I asked you if you knew...

Jeff: Yes, I vaguely remember, but I think I was preoccupied with making you dinner at the time.

Me: Oh.

Jeff: Well, I can help you figure out the where the actual Sudafed is. Where are the bottles?

Me: Downstairs. Oh...wait...actually, now that I think of it...

At which point I go into the bottom drawer in our bathroom and immediately pull out one bottle of - yep, "Sudogest", generic form of Sudafed. It said so right there on the bottle. Right then I recalled that I had specifically put it in that drawer right next to the emergency supply of real Sudafed so I would know where exactly where it was when I needed it. I guess that didn't work out so well. So, my sincere apologies for anything negative or misleading I may have said in my earlier post. I take it all back.

Now I can go eat my turkey with a clear conscience.

Until I write again.

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